the NMR signal was calibrated by water, since it has contains proton. the pule frequency is 12.78 MHz. this frequency is also equal to the Larmor frequency under a static B field.

2 \pi f = \mu_p B /2

the time of the pule is 5 μs. this should be the π/2 pulse. thus

\mu_p B_R \tau_{\pi/2} /2 = \pi / 2

we did a parameter search for any possible NMR signal. the parameters are the microwave power and the delay time.

(the following is a rough understanding, many places are unclear. )

the dynamic nuclear polarization requires a magnetic field and an microwave. the microwave is function as a power source or photo source. when nuclear spin flips, it requires a photo to provide the necessary energy. since our microwave frequency is fixed by the microwave cavity, so, in order to matching the correct frequency of absorption, we use a Sweeping magnetic field, when the magnetic field is at right magnitude, than the energy gap between spin up and spin down will equal to the photo energy and then absorbed.

after the electrons are all polarized by optical pumping, which means the electron polarization is saturated. the applied sweeping B-field and microwave will able to transfer the polarization to the proton.

thus, when the laser stopped by a chopper, the sweeping field and microwave will be turned on. the time delay between the laser and the sweeping field is called delay time.

the upper line is the chopper signal ( channel 4) . the next one is the sweeping field ( channel 2 ). the 3rd one is the reflected microwave, we can see a very small change on it, the base line are off screen, since the signal is very small compare to the overall signal ( channel 1). the last one is the RF Amp trigger signal, which control the microwave on-off ( channel 3 ).